
Beginner/Intermediate Human Trainer WOD


X12 – Kneeling Two-Arm Ab Rollout

Similar to the ab wheel this exercise working your abs, shoulders, chest and stabilizer muscles. The further away from the anchor point, the harder the exercise. Kneel down facing the straps with a handle in each hand. As you extend your arms up and out to shoulder height, lean your body forward as far as you can so that your body comes as close and parallel to the floor as possible. Make sure to keep your abs tight and pelvis tucked throughout the exercise. Return to start. Repeat.


X15 – Two-Arm Row

Facing the straps, hold a handle in each hand, palms facing down with arms straight so that they are straight out in front of their respective shoulder. Keeping your elbows and shoulders down, lift your body so it comes up to meet your hands. Your hands should come back so they meet your shoulders, elbows behind you. Return to start and repeat.


X12 – Reverse T Fly

Great for toning and developing strong upper back muscles. Face the straps. Hold a handle in each hand with arms extended (elbows slightly bent) in front of you, palms facing each other and close together. Keeping your elbows down and slightly bent open your arms so that they are extended at your sides. Return to start and repeat. 


X12 – Squat and Row

Squat and Row is a compound exercise where you are pressing your hips back and down into a squat and as you come up you’re pulling, working your biceps and back into a row.


X10 (Per Leg) – One Leg Squat and Row

Power, Coordination and Strength, Linking Upper Body and Lower Body.

Facing the straps, grasp both handles in neutral position and hold on so that the straps and your arms are fully extended in front of you (arms should be parallel with shoulders). Elevate your right leg in front of you. Lean back and press your hips back and down into a low squat position. As you come up, pull your body up to meet your hands. The end position should be with supporting knee straight, hands right up against your shoulders, elbows up and behind you. Release arms back in front of you and then come back down into a squat. Switch legs after 10 reps. Repeat with other leg.


30 sec – Two-Leg Foot Cradle Plank (forearms)

Get into a plank position with your feet elevated in the foot cradles. Make sure to keep your core engaged.


X12 – Two-Knee Foot Cradle Pull In

Still in a plank position, bring your knees in towards your chest. Return to plank position and repeat.


X12 – Two-Leg Hamstring Curl

Facing the straps, lie down on your back with your heels in the Foot Cradles. Make your legs straight and lift your hips off the ground. Keeping your core engaged, bend knees and bring your heels towards your butt. Extend your legs back out. Repeat.


X12 – Two-Arm Bicep Curls

Facing the straps, hold a handle in each hand. Straps and arms should be fully extended in front of you at chest height, palms faming up. Curl your hands up towards your shoulders, bringing your body up to meet your hands.


X12 – Two-Arm Overhead Triceps Press

Facing away from the straps, hold handles together overhead. Palms facing out, elbows bent. Extend the arms until they are straight, still overhead but slightly in front of you. Return to start and repeat.


X10 (Per side) – Forward Lunge with T Fly

Facing away from the straps with a handle in each hand, palms facing each other, stand with feet side by side, arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. Step forward into a lunge with your right leg. As you move into your lunge, bring arms straight out to your sides. Return to start. Repeat with left leg lunge.


X12 – Two-Arm Chest Press

Facing away from the straps, hold a handle in each hand, arms extended in front of you at shoulder level, palms facing down. Keeping your shoulders back and down, lower your chest towards your hands so that your hands come just below your shoulders. Press back up to the starting position. Repeat.



Advanced Human Trainer WOD


X15 – Standing Two-Arm Ab Rollout

Similar to the ab wheel this exercise working your abs, shoulders, chest and stabilizer muscles. The further away from the anchor point, the harder the exercise. Stand facing the straps with a handle in each hand, arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. Keeping your arms straight, bring them up overhead. As you do so, lean your body forward as far as you can. Make sure to keep your abs tight, pelvis tucked, and knees straight throughout the exercise. Return to start. Repeat.


X15 (Per Arm) – One-Arm Row (1 Strap)

Facing the straps, hold a handle in your right hand, palm facing down with arm straight so that they are straight out in front of your right shoulder. Keeping your elbows and shoulders down, lift your body so it comes up to meet your hand. Your hands should come back so they meet your shoulders, elbow behind you. Return to start and repeat.


X10 (Per side) – Reverse T / Y / I Fly Combo

Great for toning and developing strong upper back muscles. Face the straps. Hold a handle in each hand with arms extended (elbows slightly bent) in front of you, palms facing each other and close together. Keeping your elbows down and slightly bent open your arms so that they are extended at your sides. Return to arms straight in front of you and then bring them up and to the sides to form a Y. Return to arms straight out in front of you and then bring them straight up overhead. Repeat sequence.


X15 – Jump Squat

Facing the straps, firmly grasp both handles and hold on so that the straps and your arms are fully extended in front of you with palms facing down. As you jump straight up press downward on the handles to increase the height of your jump. Focus on landing into a proper squat position and make sure not to land hard. 


X12 (Per Leg) – One-Leg Straight Arm Squat

Grasp both handles in neutral position and hold on so that the straps and your arms are fully extended in front of you.  Lift your right foot off the floor so that your leg is slightly elevated in front of you. Press your hips back and down into a squat and return to starting position without putting your foot down. Do 12 reps and then switch legs.


X30 sec – Foot Cradle Plank w/Alternating Mountain Climber

Get into a plank position with your feet elevated in the foot cradles. Make sure to keep your core engaged, not to sag down in the hips, and shoulders are stacked over the wrists. Alternate driving the knees into the chest.


X20 – Pushup with Side-to-Side Two Knee Foot Cradle Pull-In Combo

Maintaining the plank position from the above exercise, lower into a pushup. Return to plank and bring your knees in together towards your chest.


X15 (Per side) – Two-Leg Alternating Hamstring Curl

Facing the straps, lie down on your back with your heels in the Foot Cradles. Make your legs straight and lift your hips off the ground. Keeping your core engaged, bend one knee and bring your heel towards your butt. Then do the same with the other leg.


X12 (Per side) – One-Arm Bicep Curl (1 Strap)

Facing the door, hold a handle in your right hand. Strap and arm should be fully extended in front of you at chest height, palms facing up. Curl your hand up towards your shoulders, bringing your body up to meet your hand. Return to start and repeat. Switch arms after 12 reps.


X12 – Suspended Dips

Standing right under your straps, hold the handles on either side at waist height. Flex your triceps and press your body upwards off the floor into a full extension. Lean forward slightly to engage the chest, stabilize the arms and torso, and slowly dip downwards until your triceps are approximately parallel with the floor. Contract your triceps and chest and push back upwards to full extension/starting position)


X10 – Forward Lunge with T / Y/I Fly combo

Facing away from the straps with a handle in each hand, palms facing each other, stand with feet side by side, arms straight out in front of you at shoulder height. Step forward into a lunge with your right leg. As you move into your lunge, bring arms straight out to your sides. Return to start. Lunge with right leg and bring arms up and to the sides to form a Y. Return to start and repeat right leg lunge with arms straight up overhead. Repeat sequence with left leg.


X20 – Two-Arm Chest Press with Alternating Single Knee Tuck

Facing away from the straps, hold a handle in each hand, arms extended in front of you at shoulder level, palms facing down. Keeping your shoulders back and down, lower your chest towards your hands so that your hands come just below your shoulders. As you press back up to the starting position, with the arms extended straight, lift one knee towards the chest, then place it back on the ground. Go into your next chest press but for this rep bring the opposite knee towards the chest. Repeat.

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