
The number one reason why most people exercise is to improve their quality of life. So doesnt it make sense to do exercise that is designed to train and develop your body in ways that make you stronger and more capable to do everyday activities? You know what I’m talking about: carrying groceries, climbing stairs, playing a ballgame with the kids BETTER, FASTER, STRONGER! THAT is exactly what functional training is all about.

You use basic functional movements like pushing, pulling, squatting, rotating, and lifting every. single. day. Functional training is exercise that actually uses these exact types of primary motions to improve your ability in your daily movement so that you can live with more energy, less injury, and with greater ease.

What is functional fitness training?

So when doing basic daily movements you arent using one muscle and/or one joint at a time like you would do on a gym machine, right? Functional fitness simulates common movements you might do at home, work, or in sports by training muscles simultaneously (unlike gym machines). For instance, a squat is a functional exercise because it trains the muscles used when rising and lowering from a chair or picking up an object off the ground. Squats work the entire lower body at the same time: specifically the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and the muscles that make up the calves.

Because a lot of functional exercises incorporate both the upper and lower body at the same time, most exercises also work the core muscles resulting in the burning of more calories, better balance, posture, and overall strength.

Other examples of functional fitness exercises include:

  • Multidirectional lunges
  • Standing bicep curls
  • Step-ups with weights

Functional Training In Sports:

When it comes to sports and athletes functional training can go a long way in improving performance. Functional training uses exercises that simulate a golfer’s swing, for instance. Using the same muscles in the same way a golfer would on the course will help strengthen their swing and avoid injury.

How to do Functional Training:

Functional fitness exercises can be done at home or at the gym. Gyms may offer functional fitness classes or incorporate functional fitness into bootcamps or other types of classes. Exercise tools, such as fitness balls, kettle bells, suspension gyms and weights, are often used in functional fitness workouts.

[paragraph by mayoclinic]

Why you should use The Human Trainer Suspension Gym for Functional Training:

A suspension gym is a great tool for functional training at home, outdoors, or in the gym. Because a suspension gyms straps only have one side anchored down (via a door anchor, versatility anchor, or ceiling mount) they allow your body to move in every plane of motion, making it easy to mimic daily or sports specify movements in your training while integrating resistance.

The Human Trainer is also one of the easiest and most convenient pieces of equipment to use as the required equipment is minimal, highly portable, and can be done virtually anywhere.

Who is Functional Training for?

Virtually everyone. Because it is used to improve movement that everyone does, everyone can benefit from functional training. It is especially a great form of exercise for older adults as it helps to improve balance, agility and muscle strength, and reduce the risk of falls.

Article By: Fitness Dame
Resources: humankinetics.com, mayoclinic.org, maxicardi.com

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