
You don’t have to go to the gym to get a good workout. Get a glorious full body workout with nothing but a bit of outdoor space, a resistance band, and a sunny day!

WARM-UP (2-5 minutes: Jogging on the spot, Jumping Jacks, Jump Rope)

1) Squat & Ripcords Single Arm Alt. Overhead Press (20 Reps: 10 presses per arm)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart with the exercise band under the centre of both feet. Bring the Ripcord band up to shoulder height with palms in neutral facing inward. Press your hips back and down into a squat, then press up to standing as you press your right arm with resistance band overhead. Return the band and arm to shoulder height and then repeat the squat and continue alternating overhead arm presses.

2) Bent-Over Ripcords Reverse Fly (15 Reps)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart with the exercise band under both feet and then cross the band so you grab the right handle with your left hand and the left handle with your right hand. Bend your knees and lower your upper body forward. Begin to lift both arms together to the sides of your body until the reach approximately shoulder height. You should feel like your shoulder blades are pulling together as you target your upper back muscles.

3) Squat Jacks (Cardio / Strength 60 sec)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart. Press your hips back and down into a squat as your arms reach for the ground on the sides of your legs. As you come up to standing jump both feet together as your arms reach above your head until the palms touch, then jump your feet back to hip width distance and repeat.

4) Pushup w/ Alternating Knee Tuck (15 Reps)

Begin in High Pushup position with your hands on the ground underneath your shoulders and your heels stacked above your toes. Keep your lower belly pulled up and in, creating one long line from your neck, to your hips, to your heels. Bend the arms out to sides of the body as you lower your hips and chest into a pushup. As you press up, bring your right knee up under the chest, then return your right leg. Continue alternating the knee tuck with each pushup.

5) Ripcords Bicep Curls (20 Reps)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart with the exercise band under the centre of both feet and one handle in each hand at the sides of your body. Maintaining an engaged core, and keeping both arms tight, curl both arms upward towards your shoulders. Slowly return to starting position and repeat.

6) Ripcords Tricep Overhead Press (15 Reps)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart with the exercise band under the centre both feet and one exercise band handle in each hand. Bring both exercise band handles up and behind the body to approximately shoulder height, with the hands?touching and the elbows pulling together. With an engaged core, press the arms upwards until they are fully extended above the head, slowly return to starting position and repeat. If the resistance is too heavy either grab a lighter tension band or stand with only one foot on the Ripcords band.

7) Reverse Alternating Lunge (12 Per Leg)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart. Step your right leg backwards and land on the ball of your right foot. Ensure your stride is long enough that your right knee remains above your right ankle, and keep your upper body upright with your hands off of the legs. Step back to starting position and repeat with the other leg.

8) Side-to-Side Speed Skates (Cardio 60 sec)

Begin standing with both feet together. Next, take a wide jumping step to your right landing softly and absorbing as you bend into the right leg. Bring your left leg behind and to the right staying in the air, then pressing into your right leg jump to the left repeating the same technique. Keep your core engaged and stay low to the ground as you land on each side using your arms to help drive the body laterally.

9) Plank (60 sec)

Begin on the ground with your weight distributed between your forearms that are facing forward and the toes of your feet. Keep your core engaged creating one long line from your head to your hips to your heels. Continue breathing and drawing the belly up and in for the full 60 seconds. Option to lift 1 leg for 30 seconds and then lift the opposite leg for 30 seconds.

10) Ripcords Two-Arm Upright Row (15 Reps)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart with the exercise band under the centre of both feet and one exercise band handle in each hand. Bring both handles in front of the body approximately 6 inches apart, then lift both arms up towards the chin keeping the hands above the elbows throughout the movement.

11) Forward Alternating Lunge (12 Per Leg)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart. Step your right leg forward as you land on the heel then the ball of your right foot. Ensure your stride is long enough that your right knee remains above your right ankle, and keep your upper body upright with your hands off of the legs. Step back to starting position and repeat with the other leg.

12) Ripcords Chest Squeeze (15 Reps)

Begin standing hip-width distance apart with the exercise band under the centre of both feet and one exercise band handle in each hand. Bring both handles to the sides of the body with palms facing forward, lift both arms up together as they come and meet in front of the chin. Focus bringing the elbows to meet in the centre of the body with both palms facing in towards your chest at the end of the movement. Lower to starting position and repeat.

COOL DOWN (2-5 minutes: Stretching, Yoga, Slow Walk)

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