5 Things Every Successful Fitness Transformation Has In Common

Transforming your body is one of the most challenging and gratifying things you can do in your life, but just like every other great success, it doesn’t come easily. When we set out on the [...]


Springtime Raw-Food Detox Tips

Yay! Springtime is here! Its time to tune-up your bodies and prep for outdoor activities. We spring clean our homes and tune-up our cars, so doesn’t it make sense that your body and mind [...]


Health Benefits of White Fruits and Vegetables

When it comes to fruits and vegetables we are told that in order to get all the needed vitamins from them we should eat a rainbow of colored varieties. But when we think of a rainbow, we of [...]


30 Tips to Follow for a Happy and Healthier YOU!

New Year’s Day usually comes with analyzing our lives and finding what we need and want to improve on in the upcoming year. But why pick one huge resolution that youll probably never stick [...]


Ten Tips to Make You Feel Immediately Healthier And More Full Of Life

Looking after your health is a full-time job that can sometimes get exhausting and complicated. It usually means working out the right diet, convincing yourself to stick to that diet, coming up [...]


Need a Raise? Exercise!

  According to Time Magazine, a new study published in the June issue of the Journal of Labor Research has found that employees who exercise regularly (3+ hours per week) earn about 9% more [...]