
New Year’s Day usually comes with analyzing our lives and finding what we need and want to improve on in the upcoming year. But why pick one huge resolution that youll probably never stick with? Why not aim to improve your OVERALL health and happiness?

Here are 30 quick and easy to follow guidelines for a happier, healthier, less stressful new year:

  1. Eat more vegetables and fruits with EVERY meal.

  2. Eat less sugar and processed foods. (Read: “How to Wean off Sugar“)

  3. Find YOUR way to unwind: take an hour per week to read, paint, do yoga. Do that thing that works for you to help you relax, and make it a PRIORITY.

  4. Walk more.

  5. Sit less.

  6. Simplify and unclutter.

  7. Find an exercise program that you enjoy, get a workout partner, sign up for a run, get a trainer anything that will help you stick with it.

  8. Make time for family and friends. You’re NEVER that busy!

  9. Floss – dental hygiene is SO important to your overall health.

  10. Spend more time in nature. You wont realize how much it revitalizes you until you do it.

  11. Help others and give back.

  12. Make exercise and good nutrition LIFE habits.

  13. If you eat meat, try to make it organic when possible.

  14. Repeat this to yourself regularly: I am good enough right now”

  15. Strength train at least 2 to five times a week (free weights, bodyweight, machines, suspension gym)

  16. Take on less: prioritize what’s important to you.

  17. Use the stairs more often.

  18. Sprint occasionally (try HIIT)

  19. Slow down — you can’t sprint all the way.

  20. Analyze less. Do more.

  21. Make more time for travel and adventures.

  22. Get out of debt, and make a budget so you can stay that way.

  23. Stretch regularly.

  24. Wake up early and catch the sunrise at least once this year. And REALLY watch it!

  25. Work on improving your posture.

  26. Do something outside your comfort zone.

  27. Put down the smartphone and unplug from the internet for at least a few hours Make it a family rule – For instance, no devices on Sunday afternoons.

  28. Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone has pain, everyone has their own story.

  29. Take time for you!

  30. Be grateful for the way things are.

Happy, Happy New Year from The Human Trainer!

Article By: Fitness Dame

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