
Got knee pain? If you have been checked out by a doctor and don’t have an actual injury the culprit could be weak leg muscles. Try these resistance band exercises to strengthen those legs and kick that knee pain out the door!

*Attach Band around the ankle firmly and keep on for all exercises. Use a Ripcord or Legcord. *

1) Side to Side Lateral Steps (10 wide steps per side)

side to side lateral step









2) Forward Alternating Lunge (10 per side)











3) Standing 1 Leg Frontal Raise (10 per side)

frontal leg raise








4) Standing 1 Leg Side Raise (10 per side)

side raise












5) Jumping Squat Jacks (40 Reps)







6) Stepping Side Sumo Squat (10 per side)










7) Lying down on side 1 Leg Side Raise (10 per side)







8) Lying on back, two leg lateral side abduction (10 per side)

side leg abduction









9) Lying on back Hip Bridge (20 reps ) – Have band or Legcord tight around the top of knees for external resistance

hip bridge









For more info on resistance bands and other great exercises check out this article

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