
For all the fitness lovers out there Spring Break and its many temptations are a threat to the bodies weve worked so hard for.

?In continuation of last weeks Ripcords Hotel Room Workout, today we bring you The Human Trainer Hotel Room Workout.
All you need is your hotel room door, The Human Trainer suspension gym and it’s Door Anchors.
Warm Up:
High knee jog in place: 2 sets of 30 secs.


The Human Trainer hooks over any?sturdy and professionally made and installed door?with ease. No need to drill or screw in anything, simply setup on the door and start working out right in your hotel room.?
The more or less you angle your body will determine the difficulty of each exercise. Please chose the angle that is appropriate to your fitness level.
Two Arm Bicep Curl: Facing the door, hold a handle in each hand. Straps and arms should be fully extended in front of you at chest height, palms faming up. Curl your hands up towards your shoulders, bringing your body up to meet your hands. Return to start and repeat.
Two Arm Overhead Triceps Press: Facing away from the door, hold handles together overhead. Palms facing out, elbows bent. Extend the arms until they are straight, still overhead but slightly in front of you. Return to start and repeat.
Reverse Flies: Stand facing the door. Hold a handle in each hand with arms extended (elbows slightly bent) in front of you, palms facing each other and close together. Keeping your elbows down and slightly bent open your arms so that they are extended at your sides. Return to start and repeat.
Two Arm Row: Start facing the door. Hold a handle in each hand, palms facing down with arms straight so that they are straight out in front of their respective shoulder. Keeping your elbows and shoulders down, lift your body so it comes up to meet your hands. Your hands should come back so they are at shoulder level. Return to start and repeat.
Straight Two Arm Squat: Grasp both handles in neutral position and hold on so that the straps and your arms are fully extended in front of you. Lean back and press your hips back and down into a low squat position. Return to starting position and repeat keeping both arms straight during the movement.?
1 Leg Alternating Squat: Grasp both handles in neutral position and hold on so that the straps and your arms are fully extended in front of you.??Lift your right foot off the floor so that your leg is slightly elevated in front of you. Press your hips back and down into a squat and return to starting position without putting your foot down. 15 reps on each leg to complete 1 set.
Cross Reverse Lunge: Holding the handles in neutral position,?step back with your right leg into a reverse lunge, but cross it over to the left side as you lunge. Come back to center and repeat with your left leg.?
Foot Cradle Plank: Get into a plank position with your feet elevated in the foot cradles. Make sure to keep your core engaged. Hold the plank for 30 seconds, rest and repeat 3 times.
Foot Cradle Two Knee Tuck: Still in a plank position, bring your knees in towards your chest. Return to plank position and repeat.
Foot Cradle Alternating Sprinter:?Begin in a high plank position with both feet placed in the foot cradles, face down. Bring the right knee towards the chest, then bring switch legs bringing the left towards the chest. Continue alternating legs keeping the core enganged with hands directly under the shoulders.
Chest Flies: Facing away from the door, start with the straps fully extended, hands in front of your chest, palms facing each other. Elbows should be slightly bent. Open your arms to the sides, keeping them at shoulder level without locking the elbows. Return to start and repeat.
Chest Press: Facing away from the door, hold a handle in each hand, arms extended in front of you at shoulder level, palms facing down. Keeping your shoulders back and down, lower your chest towards your hands so that your hands come just below your shoulders. Push your body back up to starting position. Repeat.
Handstand Pushups: Kneel facing the door, place the toes of one foot in the foot cradle. Walk your hands backwards, pushing your feet into the air until you are in a handstand position. The strap adds extra support to your hand stand. Maintain for 10-30 seconds.
?Remember, just because you are on vacation doesnt mean you should get off track with your workouts. Just 7 minutes a day will go along way to keeping your body strong and your weight on track. With a Versatility Anchor these exercises can even be done on the beach!
Happy Spring Break!

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